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Thyroid Support

Hypothyroidism or under active thyroid means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. According to recent studies, more than 27 million adults have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism in America.   


Hormone Balance Center will perform thyroid hormone tests to determine what dose of medication is right for you. Our goal is for you to maintain consistent levels of thyroid hormones within your body.


There are many things affected by the thyroid within our bodies. The chart below shows several of the ways a thyroid that is not optimal can manifest. Many symptoms can often develop slowly, but at some point- their impact gets to the tipping point and cannot be ignored. Many providers do not properly test all of the important markers associated with a thyroid deficiency. We will not only check all the appropriate markers, but will also look at other things that might be interfering with the proper function of the thyroid.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
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